As reported in previous newsletters, twelve of the fourteen springs at Levi Springs, on the Peake Pastoral Lease, were fenced by FOMS volunteers in July 2019. About 2.3km of fencing was erected and FOMS has revisited Levi Springs each year since then to ensure the fencing remains in good condition. FOMS also established a series of photopoints to monitor vegetation condition and these have been repeated each year.
FOMS volunteers visited Levi Springs as part of the June 2022 working bee. The fencing remained in good condition and it is worth noting that, in the initial construction of the fence, care was taken to ensure good separation between the fence and the springs.
Experience elsewhere has shown that fencing in the immediate vicinity of springs – such as across spring tails – can lead to significant pressure by cattle upon the fence and occasionally intrusion of cattle through the fence.
As illustrated in the accompanying photographs, spring vegetation has responded strongly following the fencing. Equally noteworthy is the regrowth of associated dryland vegetation – also noticeable in the photos – reflecting both the exclusion of grazing pressure and the good rains in recent times.
Spring at Levi, showing severe cattle impacts prior to fencing (left, 2019) and rapid recovery of vegetation (right, 2022)Coolabah spring at Levi, at time of fencing (left) and in June 2022 (right)
The Arabana Ranger Program was initiated in late 2019 with funding through the Australian Government. As noted in our last newsletter of September 2020, FOMS and the Arabana Rangers have developed a very successful and productive working relationship. Despite the restrictions associated with COVID-19, FOMS and the Arabana Rangers collaborated in two field trips in 2020. As described in the following item, this continued with a major joint field trip in June 2021.
There have been some personnel changes with the Ranger team: Head Ranger Micheal Stuart departed in late 2020 and, since then, Micheal’s brother Sam has been the main contact. Sam has recently been appointed Acting Head Ranger.
The Arabana Ranger Program was initially funded to 30 June 2021. However, some very good news was announced as that date approached – the Program has been funded by the Australian Government for a further seven years. This will enable FOMS and the Arabana Rangers to build on the already solid working relationship and to consider a broad range of partnership projects for mound springs conservation.
The bench installation team. Front (L to R): Bernice Cohen, Liz Sindely, Sherrie Gotch, Anne Williams. Rear: Ross Smith, Alan Williams, Sam Stuart, Keegan Solomon, Bruce Gotch. Beresford Hill is on the LH horizonIn early June 2021, FOMS undertook its major working bee for the year in collaboration with the Arabana Ranger team. Sixteen FOMS members participated along with Arabana Rangers Sam Stuart, Liz Sindely and Keegan Solomon. As summarised below, joint activities included works at Strangways Springs, Freeling Springs / Peake Overland Telegraph site and Levi Springs, and fence maintenance and vegetation monitoring at springs fenced by the State Environment agency in the 1980s.
At Strangways Springs and Freeling Springs (the site of the Peake Overland Telegraph (OT) ruins) the Arabana Rangers and FOMS volunteers maintained walking trails established by FOMS in 2011. A bench seat was also installed on one of the walks at Strangways in memory of late FOMS helper Bill Giles and new bollards were installed at the Peake OT carpark to manage vehicle movement.
The protection of priority mound springs from disturbance by stock and feral animals has been an important objective and the most recent success story has been the fencing of Levi Springs, on the Peake pastoral lease, by FOMS in 2019 – in consultation with the Arabana Aboriginal Corporation, the Department for Environment and Water, Arid Lands NRM Board and lessees Williams Cattle Company. In the June 2021 working bee, FOMS and the Arabana Rangers applied some finishing touches to the 2.3km of fencing and carried out vegetation monitoring at a number of photo- points established in 2019. The spring vegetation has recovered strongly following stock exclusion.
FOMS and the Arabana Rangers also combined forces to check a number of springs fenced by the State Environment agency in the 1980s on the Peake and Nilpinna pastoral leases. Minor fence maintenance and vegetation monitoring were undertaken. The contrast between protected springs and nearby unprotected spring wetlands is quite marked. The common reed, Phragmites, continues to be dominant in most of the protected springs although there are early signs that this dominance is diminishing after 30 plus years of stock exclusion.
The June 2021 springs working bee is a very good example of a productive collaboration aimed at improved conservation of mound springs – involving a mixture of research, monitoring and on- ground protective works. FOMS has appreciated the ongoing support of the SA Arid Lands Landscape Board and the Department for Environment and Water and it has been a privilege to be closely associated with the Arabana Ranger Program.
Newly installed seat at StrangwaysNew bollards installed by the Arabana Rangers and FOMS at the Peake Overland Telegraph carparkArabana Rangers Keegan Solomon and Sam Stuart working on the Levi Springs fenceCoolabah spring at Levi Springs at time of fencing, July 2019Coolabah spring, June 2021, showing extensive regrowth of sedges
The Arabana team replacing bollards at the carpark at Freeling Springs
The Friends of Mound Springs (FOMS) group has enjoyed a good working relationship with the Arabana people over many years. Examples of cooperative programs have been the spring burning trials conducted on Finniss Springs in 2016 and the fencing of Levi Springs in 2019.
This relationship has received a major boost through the establishment of the Arabana Ranger Programme in 2019 with funding through the Australian Government. This program has provided for the employment of a team of (currently) five under the leadership of Head Ranger Micheal (Mick) Stuart. At this stage the program is funded to 30 June 2021. The team has a relatively broad brief to help care for natural resources in Arabana country and the conservation and management of mound springs is an important objective.
In January 2020, FOMS representatives met with the Arabana Ranger team at Port Augusta to discuss areas of common interest and scope for joint programs aimed at improved conservation and management of mound springs.
Following that meeting, plans were developed for a joint field program in 2020. This program was interrupted by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, with FOMS volunteers unable to travel to the region until late May. In the meantime, the Arabana Ranger team was able to work in the region, and undertook fence maintenance work and vegetation monitoring at several springs fenced by the State Environment agency in the 1980s, as well as Levi Springs.
With some easing of COVID-19 restrictions towards the end of May, FOMS volunteers were able to join with the Arabana Rangers in further field work and a revised fieldwork program was developed. FOMS volunteers and the Arabana Rangers joined forces in two field trips during 2020.
The first trip took place from 31 May to 6 June. FOMS volunteers Bruce Gotch, Colin Harris, Bernice Cohen and Simon Lewis joined with the Arabana team in inspections of Bopeechee and Beatrice Springs on Finniss Springs (see separate item in this newsletter) and in maintenance of the walking trails at Strangways Springs and Freeling Springs / Peake Overland Telegraph site. While at the Peake Overland Telegraph site, the Arabana Rangers installed five recycled plastic bollards at the carpark to replace deteriorating timber bollards.
The second joint springs visit occurred in late August. The group inspected several springs and artesian bores on Finniss Springs – Bopeechee and Beatrice Springs, the now extinct Venable Spring and Charles Angas, Cooryabbie and Venable bores. The group also visited Gosse and McLachlan Springs, on the Stuart Creek pastoral lease, where feral horses have had severe impact in recent months. More information on these matters is included elsewhere in this newsletter.
These field inspections provided an excellent opportunity for the Arabana Ranger team and FOMS volunteers to work together to assist the conservation of mound springs and to develop a rapport that will provide a sound basis for ongoing cooperative activities. The Arabana Ranger team is making a very significant contribution in the conservation and management of mound springs and FOMS welcomes the opportunity to be associated with the program.
Job done. L to R: Bruce Gotch, Dylan Stuart, Indianah Butler, Mick Stuart, Aamish Warren, Braden Allen and Bernice Cohen
Image of area visited (from Keppel et al., 2016). Mulligan Springs are on the western shore of Lake Callabonna, while Public House Springs are within the Petermorra group. (The FOMS group did not visit the springs within Lake Callabonna or the Lake Blanche Springs.)
The Friends of Mound Springs (FOMS) group has a long-standing interest in the springs occurring north-east of Lyndhurst on the Moolawatana and Murnpeowie pastoral leases. These springs are described as being within the Lake Frome spring supergroup. (There are thirteen supergroups described across the Great Artesian Basin, with three of those in South Australia: Lake Frome, Lake Eyre and Dalhousie.) FOMS’ interest centres on the occurrence of significant vegetation, such as the endangered salt pipewort Eriocaulon carsonii, and the recent scientific studies that have shown that many of the springs are associated with aquifers other than the Great Artesian Basin (GAB). Historically, the springs have been described simply as GAB springs. However, recent hydrochemical studies (Keppel et al., 2016) have shown that, while Twelve Springs are apparently sourced entirely from the GAB, the other springs (Mulligan, Petermorra, Public House and Reedy) are sourced from a mixture of GAB waters and other aquifers. Four other aquifers – in addition to the GAB – are described for the area occupied by the springs.
Fairly typical landscape, the dry bed of Lake Callabonna in the background
After consulting the lessees of Moolawatana and Murnpeowie, FOMS conducted its first visit to these springs from 28 July to 3 August 2020. Planning for the trip was also assisted greatly through advice from Darren Niejalke, FOMS member and experienced springs researcher who had previously undertaken surveys of these springs. Participants on this trip were: Colin Harris, Bruce and Sherrie Gotch, Bren and Bis Lay, Brian Donaghy and Iris Iwanicki, Duncan and Caryl Ross-Watt, Bernice Cohen, Rick Moore, Stafford Dow, Chris Wenham and Simon Lewis. Duncan and Caryl made the long journey from Brisbane to be with the group.
Participants made their way by various routes to convene at Balcanoona – headquarters for the Vulkathunha-Gammon Ranges National Park – for the first night. Some bedded down in the Shearers’ Quarters while others camped nearby.
Over the ensuing four days, the group inspected a range of fascinating springs on the Moolawatana and Murnpeowie pastoral leases. There were many highlights as described below.
Mulligan Springs, 29th & 30th July
Mulligan Springs comprise a group of about thirty active spring vents on the western shores of Lake Callabonna. Nearby is the Lake Callabonna Fossil Reserve, where Diprotodon fossils were found in the late 19th century by the South Australian Museum.
The FOMS group inspected a good range of springs right on the lake shore. These included a cluster of bulrush (Typha) springs with, cumulatively, a reasonable overflow into Lake Callabonna. Not far to the south were particularly interesting mud mounds, a spring formation only recorded at one other location in South Australia (Dalhousie) and with some similarities to mud mounds near Eulo, seen by the FOMS group that travelled to Queensland in 2012. The springs were generally in good condition.
The Mulligan Springs group also includes a number of springs one or two kilometres west of Lake Callabonna, in the vicinity of old yards formerly used for mustering of horses. At least one of these springs is dominated by reeds, Phragmites – in some contrast to the Typha springs occurring closer to the lake.
Bulrush (Typha), growing in one of the springs at Mulligan Springs
Main overflow channel from Mulligan Springs to Lake Callabonna
Mud springs at Mulligan South: only the second-known occurrence of mud springs in SA
Mud springs at Mulligan South: only the second-known occurrence of mud springs in SA
Phragmites spring, Mulligan Springs, near horse yard.
Old horse yard, Mulligan Springs
Terrapinna Springs, 30th July
Terrapinna Springs
Having completed observations at Mulligan Springs, the group camped at Terrapinna Springs. Terrapinna Springs are not considered to be fed by groundwater but by surface water run-off. Associated walking trails, installed by the Walking Trails Support Group, provide spectacular views of the local area.
Twelve Springs 31st July
Utricularia fenshami flower, Twelve Springs
Twelve Springs, also on Moolawatana pastoral lease, have been of longstanding interest to FOMS because of the presence of the endangered plant, salt pipewort, Eriocaulon carsonii, that occurs in an extremely limited range of springs across the Great Artesian Basin. Also at the springs is one of the bladderworts, the recently described Utricularia fenshami, a carnivorous plant that captures small organisms by means of a bladder-like trap.
The main group of springs at Twelve Springs comprises an area of low, interconnected mounds with bore-drain sedge, Cyperus laevigatus as by far the most predominant vegetation. Eriocaulon carsonii was largely restricted to two slightly more elevated mounds where reeds (Phragmites) were growing at the main vent. There, the Eriocaulon formed dense mats in a halo immediately surrounding the Phragmites. The FOMS group also noted other more isolated springs in the immediate vicinity. Twelve Springs is recorded as having 72 spring vents. The springs were showing significant impacts from donkeys.
Following the morning inspection of Twelve Springs, the FOMS group headed north, leaving Moolawatana and entering – via the Dog Fence – Murnpeowie pastoral lease. Here the track definition to springs was a little more problematic but the group eventually located Petermorra Springs and then Public House Springs.
Twelve Springs – main spring area
Twelve Springs: Phragmites vent surrounded by matted Eriocaulon carsonii
Closer view of Eriocaulon carsonii
Petermorra Springs 31st July
Some Vegetation Comparisons between the Lake Frome Springs and Lake Eyre Springs
The vegetation of the springs bears a number of resemblances to that of the Lake Eyre springs. Bore-drain sedge, Cyperus laevigatus, is the most common wetland plant at most of the springs. Bulrush (Typha) is present at many springs at Mulligan Springs and a few springs at Reedy Springs. The common reed (Phragmites) – common at Lake Eyre springs – is more restricted: it was noted at one spring at Mulligan Springs and two springs at Twelve Springs.
There are, however, a number of distinctive vegetation features in the Lake Frome springs. As noted above, the salt pipewort, Eriocaulon carsonii, is present at Twelve, Petermorra and Public House Springs – its only other recorded natural occurrence in South Australia being in the Hermit Hill – Finniss Springs group. The occurrence of narrow-leaf wilsonia (Wilsonia backhousei) at Mulligan Springs and the nearby Lake Callabonna Springs is the only record for this species in the Lake Eyre Basin and in arid zone SA. Similarly, the bladder- wort, Utricularia fenshami, has not been recorded at springs other than Twelve Springs and Petermorra Springs.
Reference: Keppel, M, Gotch, T, Inverarity, K, Niejalke, D, & Wohling, D, 2016. A hydrogeological and ecological characterisation of springs near Lake Blanche, Lake Eyre Basin, South Australia. DEWNR Technical report 2016/03. Government of South Australia through the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Adelaide
Petermorra Springs comprise a number of vents in a drainage line. These are described as Erosional Channel Springs, a type of spring formation not found in springs in the Lake Eyre springs supergroup. Erosional Channel Springs occur in drainage lines where overlying sediments and confining layers have been eroded, allowing groundwater (spring) discharge to occur. All had been heavily impacted by cattle. Several carcasses were noted where cattle had become bogged at springs.
The spring vegetation at Petermorra largely comprised bore-drain sedge, Cyperus laevigatus. The endangered salt pipewort, Eriocaulon carsonii, was noted on one low spring mound.
Cattle-damaged spring at Petermorra Springs
Eriocaulon carsonii on a spring mound at Petermorra, growing amongst Cyperus laevigatus
Public House Springs 31st July
Public House Springs are also described as predominantly Erosional Channel springs and are fed by the GAB and other aquifers. They occur in drainage lines of the Petermorra Creek and can therefore be subject to flooding impacts (Keppel et al., 2016). There is an extensive array of more than two hundred spring vents. Although showing some impacts from cattle, these springs were in significantly better condition than those seen at Petermorra. This could reflect two aspects: the easier access for cattle at Petermorra and the much more extensive array of springs at Public House, meaning less concentrated stock impacts. The predominant spring vegetation was again bore- drain sedge, Cyperus laevigatus but many mounds contained mats of Eriocaulon carsonii. The mound spring bladderwort, Utricularia fenshami has also been recorded. The springs are described as having high floristic diversity but low macroinvertebrate diversity.
The FOMS group’s time at Public House Springs was somewhat limited: all agreed that a more thorough survey would be of much interest.
Public House Springs, showing a small part of the large spring group in one of the drainage lines
Public House Springs, showing a small part of the large spring group in one of the drainage lines
Public House Springs, showing a small part of the large spring group in one of the drainage lines
Public House Springs, showing a small part of the large spring group in one of the drainage lines. The photograph shows a mat of salt pipewort, Eriocaulon carsonii, one of many such mats occurring at Public House Springs.
Reedy Springs 1st August
Trip Participants, L to R: Colin Harris, Duncan Ross-Watt, Caryl Ross-Watt, Bissie Lay, Bren Lay, Bruce Gotch, Sherrie Gotch, Chris Wenham, Brian Donaghy, Iris Iwanicki, Bernice Cohen, Rick Moore, Simon Lewis, Stafford Dow
On Saturday 1st August, the FOMS group drove north to join the Strzelecki Track, then on to Reedy Springs, still on Murnpeowie and just north-west of the ruins at Blanchewater.
Reedy Springs comprise more than three hundred spring vents, consisting of Sand Mounds and Erosional Channel Springs. The springs are thought to be fed by a mixture of GAB water and another aquifer (Cenozoic). A feature at Reedy Springs is an enormous sand mound several hundred metres in diameter. While some upper sections of the mound have dried out, much of it comprises active wetlands with Cyperus laevigatus and a scattering of small open pools. While C. laevigatus is by far the dominant wetland plant species, four bulrush (Typha) vents were also noted. Keppel et al., 2016 note that two relict species – Fimbristylis sieberiana (fringe rush) and Schoenoplectus subulatus (club rush) are also present at Reedy Springs, although in very limited distribution. Faunal diversity (macroinvertebrates) is low. The springs drain into a deeply incised gully which flows some distance to the east.
Reedy Springs also showed severe cattle impacts and several carcasses were noted, particularly in the vicinity of the Typha springs.
Reedy Springs marked the conclusion of spring visits by the FOMS group. This was a particularly interesting trip to some unfamiliar springs and FOMS thanks the pastoral lessees at Moolawatana and Murnpeowie for their cooperation. Special thanks are also due to FOMS member Kaaren Hawkes for her generous contribution towards costs incurred on the trip and Darren Niejalke for his advice and assistance with trip planning.
Reedy Springs, showing large sand mound
Reedy Springs, showing ulrush (Typha) vents
Reedy Springs, showing deeply incised overflow channel
Reedy Springs, showing deeply incised overflow channel
Beatrice and Bopeechee Springs, both on Finniss Springs, were subject to a burning trial in May 2016, a joint exercise involving the Arabana, FOMS and Department for Environment and Water. The primary intention was to assess the effects of fire on the dense reeds (Phragmites) at Bopeechee and bulrushes (Typha) at Beatrice. Both springs were inspected by FOMS volunteers and the Arabana Ranger group in early June and late August 2020.
At Beatrice Spring, burning was only partially effective because of the high moisture content of the vegetation. There is now a healthy stand of Typha at Beatrice but horses have had a severe impact upon the other wetland vegetation. At Bopeechee Spring, the May 2016 burn was very effective in reducing the reeds to water/ ground level. Observations soon after May 2016 showed that the reeds were regrowing quite prolifically but subsequently horses had a severe impact, grazing and pugging the reed regrowth. These impacts have effectively negated the value of the burning trial but regular observations at the springs have continued.
By August 2020 the intensity of horse activity at Bopeechee and Beatrice appeared to have diminished – probably associated with recent rains. It is interesting to note that it is the bore-drain sedge, Cyperus laevigatus, which is now colonising much of the wetland area, with reed (Phragmites) regrowth much reduced. At other springs with Phragmites protected after decades of stock pressure, proliferation of Phragmites has been the main response. While more information is needed, there is a suggestion at Bopeechee that C. laevigatus might have a role as a primary coloniser after stock / horse pressure is reduced.
FOMS and the Arabana Ranger team have discussed management options. An initial suggestion for management of the horse impacts was to install individual fencing around Beatrice Spring and Bopeechee Spring but current thinking favours fencing of a considerably larger area, coupled with measures to exclude horses.
Bopeechee: Phragmites regrowth six weeks after burn
Bopeechee, August 2020: most of the regrowth is Cyperus laevigatus
Attendees at the Port Augusta meeting. Rear (L to R): Colin Harris, Bruce Gotch (both FOMS), Cherie Gerlach, Sarah Stevens (SA Arid Lands NRM Board staff), Travis Gotch, Tony Magor (both National Parks & Widlife, DEW), Arabana Ranger Marshall Stuart, Arabana Head Ranger Micheal Stuart, Simon Lewis (FOMS), Arabana Ranger Garth Dodd, Paul Tanner. Seated at front: Arabana Rangers Braden Allen and Aamish Warren.
Some good news – an Arabana Ranger Program has been initiated through funding support from the Federal Government. Five Arabana Rangers have been appointed, including Head Arabana Ranger Micheal Stuart – son of Uncle Dean (see above article). General support and coordination is provided through Conservation Management Director Alistair Dermer, who is based interstate. The Ranger group is operating out of Port Augusta and, at this stage, has funding to June 30, 2021.
The Arabana Ranger team and FOMS personnel have wasted no time in becoming acquainted, with a joint meeting held at Port Augusta on 22 January 2020 – FOMS representatives being Colin Harris, Bruce Gotch and Simon Lewis. Also attending were Tony Magor, National Parks and Wildlife Manager, Flinders and Outback, and Travis Gotch, newly appointed District Ranger, Outback. Arid Lands NRM Board staff Sarah Stevens and Cherie Gerlach also joined the group for a short time.
The meeting highlighted that the Arabana Ranger Program and FOMS have a number of objectives in common. Micheal Stuart noted that priority areas for the Program are protecting and monitoring country, building and maintaining relationships and getting Arabana people on to country. FOMS representatives noted that FOMS has a particular interest in maintaining protective fencing around a number of important mound springs on pastoral lease land – seven fenced by the state Environment agency in the 1980s and Levi Springs, fenced by FOMS volunteers in 2019. Vegetation monitoring is also a priority at these springs.
It was agreed that the Arabana Rangers could take on a significant role with this fence maintenance and vegetation monitoring. As a next step, FOMS representatives and the Arabana Rangers will have a joint inspection of these sites – currently scheduled for May 2020.
This is a welcome initiative and FOMS looks forward to linking closely with the Arabana Ranger Program. It is to be hoped that funding for the Program will be extended well beyond June 2021.