About the Friends of Mound Springs (FOMS)

The Friends of Mound Springs (FOMS) was established in 2006, under the umbrella of the South Australian organisation Friends of Parks Inc, to support the conservation and management of the mound springs of Far North South Australia.

The Friends group has attracted widely based membership, both locally and interstate, from researchers, government personnel and others with a general interest or involvement in mound springs issues.

The group provides support for the South Australian Department for Environment and Water in the management of springs within the Parks network (such as Wabma Kadarbu Mound Springs Conservation Park).

The group also has a role in promoting and supporting research of mound springs in general, and in the protection of mound springs outside the parks network in collaboration with pastoral lessees and other interest groups.

The group provides a forum for disseminating information and research findings regarding the springs and promotes increased public awareness about the conservation values of the springs.


The group has undertaken surveys, vegetation monitoring and a range of on-ground activities to protect mound springs and promote their conservation values. Major projects for FOMS have been protective works at the site of the Peake Overland Telegraph station, construction of walking trails and installation of interpretive signage at both the Peake and Strangways Overland Telegraph sites and fencing of twelve springs at Levi Springs to exclude stock. FOMS has also provided comments on proposed developments and measures that could impact adversely upon the features of the mound springs.

A central objective for FOMS is the management of mound springs to ensure that their natural and cultural heritage features are conserved and, in many cases, enhanced. During 2013 – 2016, the group participated in a major project, known as the Desert Jewels Project, with the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, to improve our knowledge about the management of mound springs and to test and promote improved management practices.

FOMS continues to work closely with the Department for Environment and Water in identifying springs of high conservation priority and in developing programs for their protection. Many of the springs of interest are on Arabana land and FOMS also has a productive, ongoing relationship with the Arabana Indigenous Ranger Team, a group established in late 2019.

FOMS at Blanche Cup, with Mt Hamilton (extinct spring) in the background
FOMS at Blanche Cup, with Mt Hamilton (extinct spring) in the background
FOMS volunteers installing bollards in carpark at The Peake Springs, June 2008
FOMS volunteers installing bollards in carpark at The Peake Overland Telegraph site


The annual subscription is $20 for an individual or family. Membership applies on a calendar year basis.

If you wish to become a member, please contact us.

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