Bruce and Trent servicing a spear gate at one of the fenced springs
The Friends of Mound Springs (FOMS) undertook a second field trip in August 2023 to complete works that were outstanding following the rain-shortened trip in June 2023.
FOMS participants were Colin Harris, Bruce and Sherrie Gotch, Rick Moore, Bernice Cohen, Stuart Pillman, Trent Porter, Erik Dahl, Masto Myles and Simon Lewis. The group was accompanied by Ben McCallum and Alice Smith of the SA Arid Lands Landscape Board. It was planned that the Arabana Ranger team would also accompany the FOMS group for most of the working bee but a vehicle break-down prevented the Arabana Rangers from joining the group until the latter stages of the trip.
The timing for this exercise was influenced by a field day on 10th August at Wabma Kadarbu Mound Springs Conservation Park for students of the Oodnadatta and Marree Area Schools – coordinated by BHP and the SA Arid Lands Landscape Board and also involving the Arabana Ranger team. See separate item in this newsletter.
The main objectives for the FOMS group were to check fenced springs on the Peake and Nilpinna pastoral leases (fence maintenance and vegetation photo-point monitoring); to do maintenance work on the walking trails established by FOMS at the Peake Overland Telegraph site and install another trail marker at that site; to service cameras installed at several springs; and to participate as appropriate in the school session referred to above.
The group checked five springs fenced by the State Environment agency in the 1980s (Big Perry, the Fountain, Twelve Mile, Outside and Tarlton on the Peake and Old Nilpinna Spring on Nilpinna pastoral lease). Also inspected were Levi Springs, fenced by FOMS volunteers in 2019. This work involved checking the fencing and undertaking any minor maintenance required, servicing the bayonet / spear gates at each site, and repeating vegetation photo-points. The State Environment agency did this work until 2005 but ceased its commitment at that time and FOMS volunteers have filled the breach since that time.
Outside Spring showing prolific growth of Phragmites
The fences at Big Perry, the Fountain, Twelve Mile, Outside and Old Nilpinna Springs continue to be functional and only minor maintenance was required. A section of the Twelve Mile Spring fence will require more attention within a year or two. The wetland vegetation at each spring remains dominated by reeds, Phragmites. The abundance of Phragmites is diminished in the centre of the vent at the Fountain. It is hypothesised that the proliferation of Phragmites in fenced springs is linked with the century or more of nutrient enrichment through cattle grazing and that, over time, Phragmites abundance will diminish as nutrient levels decrease. The situation at the Fountain appears to be trending in that direction although it is too early to be definitive. At Old Nilpinna Spring, the area within the fenced exclosure is relatively dry, in some contrast to the good flow from the vent just outside the fence.
Tarlton Springs have been the subject of discussion for some time. The springs – thought to be from local aquifers rather than the Great Artesian Basin – have all but dried up and the fence has collapsed at one point and is overgrown by vegetation at several other locations. The two options under consideration have been (a) dismantling the fence and (b) repairing it. The inspecting group noted that one spring is damp and retains a cover of sedges and also concluded that repair of the fence was readily achievable with much less effort than would be needed for disassembly. Repair and retention of the fence was the group’s favoured option.
The Tarlton fence is overgrown at several locations and has collapsed at one sectionThe Tarlton fence is overgrown at several locations and has collapsed at one section
Tarlton Springs panorama. Photo: Erik Dahl
At Levi Springs the relatively new fence was in good condition, although some minor re-straining of a section near the coolabah spring should be undertaken on the next visit. The spring vegetation continues to recover strongly, as illustrated in the accompanying photographs.
The walking trails at the Peake Overland Telegraph site were in reasonable condition, requiring minor maintenance only. A new trail marker was installed to guide access to the cemetery site but one more marker is thought to be needed.
At Wabma Kadarbu Mound Springs Conservation Park, Bruce and helpers serviced two motion- activated cameras at Horse and Buttercup springs in the southern section of the Park. There has been an ongoing problem of cattle from the adjoining Stuart Creek pastoral lease getting through the boundary fence and impacting on these springs. Bruce and others noted about ten cattle in the Park and it seems clear that the boundary fence across the Margaret River has weaknesses that allow access. Cattle impacts within the Park have increased since 2022. Horse Springs were showing good regeneration of vegetation in 2022 but were now heavily impacted by recent cattle activity.
As a final task on this field trip, the FOMS group inspected Bopeechee Spring and Beatrice Spring, on Finniss Springs, in company with the Arabana Ranger team. Bruce serviced the camera installed at Bopeechee. The vegetation at this spring is showing some evidence of recovery following horse impacts which, in turn, followed a trial burning exercise conducted in 2016.
This brought to a conclusion a highly successful working bee with good weather conditions throughout, atoning for the disappointments of the wet June attempt.
Levi Springs, Phragmites spring at time of fencing (2019, left) and in August 2023 (right)Levi Springs, spring near gate at time of fencing (left) and in August 2023 (right)Spring HBO004 on Finniss Springs (near Bopeechee Spring). Left in 2019 showing horse impacts and right, August 2023
Merilyn Browne with her camper trailer, complete with budgies
The main Friends of Mound Springs (FOMS) working bee for 2023 was shaping up to be one of the biggest and busiest that FOMS has ever organised. Eighteen FOMS volunteers, nine vehicles, and tasks ranging from track maintenance and marker installation to multiple fence inspections and repairs and vegetation surveys. Participants were Colin Harris, Rick Moore, Hadyn Hanna, John Tagell, Chris Lemm, Brian Wheeler, Brian Donaghy, Merilyn Browne, Bernice Cohen, Bren and Bis Lay, Erik Dahl, Masto Myles, Heatheranne and Peter Bullen, Caryl and Duncan Ross-Watt and Simon Lewis.
Most of the FOMS group travelled to Leigh Creek on Monday 19th June, overnighting at the Outback Resort, along with SA Arid Lands Board Community Landscape Officer, Hamish Longbottom. There the group had an opportunity to inspect Merilyn Browne’s new camper trailer, a compact, light- weight marine ply camper which Merilyn had built and decorated herself from an imported kit. On the second day the group travelled to Strangways Springs to link up with Sam Stuart and the Arabana Rangers, accompanied by a newly formed Aboriginal Rangers group based at Berri, who had come up to see how the Arabana team operated.
Bren, Hadyn and Simon oiling the Strangways memorial seat
While the Arabana Rangers checked and repaired the ~4km perimeter fence at Strangways, the Bill Giles memorial seat was oiled, brochures topped up and the Springs Walk and Woolwash Walk raked where necessary. The interpretive signs at the entrance have weathered and will need replacing − Sam offered to get them installed if FOMS can get new signs up to him.
Cover of the book Field Guide to the Plants of Outback South Australia.That night it rained – steady drizzle commencing in the early hours of the Wednesday morning. With some foreboding, the group continued to William Creek to refuel and review the situation in view of the weather. With further rain forecast, and being particularly mindful of the potential of the large convoy of vehicles to damage station tracks, it was reluctantly decided to cancel the remainder of the trip and commence the journey south. The FOMS group farewelled the Arabana and Berri Ranger teams at William Creek.
The FOMS group reached the Curdimurka siding for lunch, where Bren Lay braved the wintry drizzle to launch the second edition of a Field Guide to the Plants of Outback South Australia.
Written by Bren and Frank Kutsche, the second edition has been updated by Tim Croft and Jürgen Kellermann, updating botanical names and adding some 10 new species. Bren presented copies of the revised book to Colin Harris and Simon Lewis.
Most of the group then continued on to Leigh Creek for Wednesday night, although we did farewell Heatheranne and Pete Bullen at Marree. Thursday saw most FOMS participants journeying home, with a highlight being many of the creeks emanating from the Flinders Ranges flowing over the Leigh Creek – Hawker road.
Cold and drizzly William CreekFlooded creek on Leigh Creek to Hawker Road
As mentioned earlier in this newsletter, funding is available through the SA Arid Lands Landscape Board and BHP for spring protection and other landscape protection works. Protective works have been designed for Reedy Springs and nearby St Mary’s Pool, both on Murnpeowie pastoral lease. In October 2023 FOMS members Colin Harris, Bruce Gotch and Erik Dahl visited these sites with representatives of the SAAL Board and the Dieri First Nations group, the primary aim being to obtain site clearance from the Dieri for the proposed works. Erik Dahl has prepared the following report on that trip.
Colin and Bruce at Afghan Well
Colin Harris and Erik Dahl met at Bruce and Sherrie Gotch’s Humbug Scrub property early on Thursday the 19th of October 2023. They helped load the Gotch’s Landcruiser with just a little more than they would need, or use. Leaving Sherrie to mind the fort, the three blokes hit the road travelling North on Horrocks and Barrier Highways before turning on Gum Creek Road to find a much-needed morning coffee at the Jamestown Bakery. Then on, up the
R.M. Williams Way to Hawker, with a brief stop for more coffee and lunch. With a little taste of the Flinders through the Yappala Hills the trio pushed on up the Outback Way recounting daring stories and past exploits of Wilpena Pound, Edeowie Gorge, and much more while the grand mountains passed them to the east. Finding they had a little time up their sleeves, Bruce suggested a quick trip to Beltana, to consider the beautifully built Afghan camel tank and troughs, railway dam and some of the historic town. Then, north again through Puttapa Gap and on to Leigh Creek. Late afternoon saw the weary bunch at the Leigh Creek Hotel catching up with the crew from the Landscapes Board and some of the Dieri representatives.
Some of the group at Reedy Springs with Aaron Smith pointing the way
The morning saw us congregated bright eyed and bushy tailed in the car park. Quite a mob they were. The Dieri Aboriginal Corporation representatives were Frank Warren, Gregory Warren, Raelene Hannes Warren, Jeffery Kennedy, and Phillip Naylon. SA Arid Lands people were Aaron Smith, Julia Short, Alice Smith and Glenn del Fierro, and from FOMS, Colin Harris, Bruce Gotch and Erik Dahl. After a quick briefing by Aaron Smith the search was on again for coffee as clearly some of the party were not going to function well without one. First the Copley Bakery where a bleary David informed us that we were too early. Then to the Lyndhurst Hotel where luck prevailed, and coffee was procured for the few that demanded it.
The southern end of the Strzelecki is now sealed, and following the feigned starts, the group made good time, mostly avoiding the newly laid potholes. Beyond the bitumen the road was good, but with better camouflaged potholes. At Murnpeowie Station (Mumpie to its friends), the Managers Frank (Bully, to his mates) and Joyleen Booth met the team to discuss the strategy for the day. Mumpie is leased by the Brooks family who have been very supportive of Mound Spring protection and other landscape conservation works.
On the main mound at Reedy Springs
A short drive north on wheel tracks took the group to Reedy Springs, which was circumnavigated, traversed and studied. Options were discussed and the original survey marks moved to encompass more cultural material and attempts made to avoid washaways and sodic soils. Members of the team that had been to the springs before were surprised at the lack of flow.
They then drove to the beautiful St. Mary’s Pool to discuss options for reducing tourist damage to the site. Bully suggested that some limited fencing and a gate would be adequate, this was generally agreed to. Lunch was had under the coolabahs and red gums. From there the procession moved to the proposed lookout. Although a beautiful spot of coloured breakaway the lack of flow from the springs at the time made the springs much less obvious and there was no spring tail running into the creek. Again, there was much discussion of the options and signage required. Then they climbed back into the vehicles for the long drive back to Leigh Creek.
The homeward trip differed only slightly from the expedition North and was only slightly marred by the dearth of open coffee shops after Hawker. Hawker did provide an ample morning tea, however, and an opportunity to buy more books from Teagues Service Station, and marvel at their displays. Once back at Humbug Scrub Sherrie put on a much-needed afternoon tea as a delightful end to a lightning and enlightening trip.
The group at St Mary’s Pool. Photo by Gregory Warren
L to R: Alan Williams, Bruce Gotch, Sherrie Gotch, John Tagell, Rick Moore, Lynn Brake, Kate Brake, Ross Smith, Bernice Cohen. Photo: Simon Lewis
The Friends of Mound Springs group held its main working bee for 2018 from 19 to 25 May. Participants were Bruce and Sherrie Gotch, Alan Williams, Lynn and Kate Brake, Rick Moore, John Tagell, Ross Smith, Bernice Cohen and Simon Lewis. Colin Harris was a late withdrawal with a thumb fracture.
Bopeechee Spring showing impacts from horses
Conditions were fine throughout with some cloud cover on 20 May but otherwise mainly sunny. Day temperatures 22 to 25 and night temperatures around 8 to 12 degrees.
Participants travelled independently to Roxby Downs on 19 May, before heading up the Borefield Road to camp on the Gregory Creek about 100km north of Olympic Dam.
Over the ensuing four days the group applied itself the following tasks:
Monitoring of three springs (Beatrice, Bopeechee and HBO004) on Finniss Springs. These springs were burnt in 2016 as a trial primarily to assess options for the management of prolific growth of reeds (Phragmites). In a 2017 inspection, it was noted that horses on Finniss Springs were impacting on both Bopeechee and HBO 004. The 2018 inspection showed that the Phragmites regrowth at Bopeechee has now been grazed to ground level by the horses. Impacts by horses have therefore compromised the effectiveness of this trial. FOMS plans to continue monitoring at these springs but the value of this exercise in monitoring the response of Phragmites to fire has been diminished.
Maintenance of the walking trail and replenishment of brochures at Strangways Springs. The walking trails were in good condition although there are sections of the Springs Walk that would benefit from clearer definition. In addition, the temporary sign warning people not to climb the Cutting Grass Spring will need replacement in the next year or two. The bayonet gates at Strangways remain in good order
Installation of new signage and walking trail maintenance at the Peake Overland Telegraph site (see separate item in this newsletter about the new signage). As at Strangways, the walking trails at the Peake were in good shape, requiring only minor attention. Some members of the group proffered the view that the Creek Walk could be improved by extending the formal trail out to the cemetery – something for further consideration.
Peake carpark – bollards missing
The group also noted some recent vandalism at the Peake carpark. Three of fifteen timber bollards – installed by FOMS ten years ago to define the carpark and prevent unwanted vehicle access to the site – had been removed, apparently to be used as firewood. The FOMS group constructed a low stone wall to block the gap created but a more lasting solution will be needed. The current plan is to replace all of the timber bollards with UV stable recycled plastic bollards.
Following the work at the Peake, the FOMS group journeyed south to Wabma Kadarbu Mound Springs Conservation Park, to tackle two main tasks:
Check on cattle intrusion into the Park, particularly in the southern sections. It has been evident for some time that the Park boundary fence has weak points at one or two drainage lines, enabling cattle to access the Park from the neighbouring pastoral property. While cattle were still present at Buttercup Spring, it was evident that fencing repair work was underway to rectify the situation and FOMS has been advised that this is a result of a cooperative approach between the Department for Environment and Water and the managers of the adjoining Stuart Creek property. (During a subsequent inspection in early July 2018, no cattle were noted within the )
An initial reconnaissance to assess the potential of establishing a walking trail from near Blanche Cup out to the extinct mound spring that is Hamilton Hill. This showed that there is potential for an interesting walk, but to make it really worthwhile the walk should venture to the top of Hamilton Hill. The difficulty is that for the most part the slopes of Hamilton Hill are steep and stony and a safe access route for public use has not yet been identified. If a preferred route is identified there will need to be a formal assessment and approvals process involving the Department for Environment and Water and the Arabana people.
At Wabma Kadarbu the two main interpretive signs at Blanche Cup had deteriorated and this information has since been passed on to Department for Environment and Water staff. A brief inspection of Little Bubbler spring was also undertaken. This spring is of interest in that it was free of Phragmites until the early 2000s. Some growth of Phragmites was noted at the spring vent at that time but its rate of spread since that time has been quite limited – just two or three metres around the spring vent. The factors affecting the establishment and spread of Phragmites are still not fully understood.
The FOMS working bee concluded in style, with lunch at the Curdimurka Siding on the return journey and a final night at the Eldo Hotel at Woomera. Many thanks to all.
Bernice Cohen, Simon Lewis and John Tagell at the stone cairn on Hamilton HillLittle Bubbler showing cattle damage. Reeds largely restricted to the spring vent
FOMS members will recall that FOMS established two walking trails at the Peake Overland Telegraph site in 2011 – the Creek Walk and the Copper Top Smelter and Mine Walk. Observations in August 2016 showed that both trails – particularly the Creek Walk – had been significantly eroded by the heavy rains of that year and needed repairs.
In August 2017 a FOMS group travelled to the Peake to do the necessary repair work. The group comprised Colin Harris, Bruce Gotch, Stafford Dow, Bernice Cohen, Brian Donaghy, Bren and Elizabeth (Bis) Lay, Sony Manning and Simon Lewis.
The group had a full day at the Peake Overland Telegraph site on 9th August 2017, focussing on repair of the two walking trails. Some work was also undertaken to prune back vegetation on the track up to the ruins and other vegetation growing over signage.
The Creek Walk required substantial work, including repair of water erosion damage, re-routing of sections as a result of shifting spring tails, and installation of two additional marker posts to improve the definition of the trail. Work on the Walk was completed by lunch-time, after which more minor repairs were effected on the Copper Top Smelter and Mine Walk.
During this trip the group also visited Elizabeth Springs in the Wabma Kadarbu Mound Springs Conservation Park. It has been suggested previously that FOMS could consider working with DEWNR in establishing a walking trail at Elizabeth Springs but the inspection showed that, for several reasons, a walking trail would not be particularly feasible.
A further highlight of the August 2017 trip was an inspection of the old lime kilns near the Peake Overland Telegraph site.
Colin Harris and Bernice Cohen at Elizabeth SpringsThe FOMS group at the old lime kilns on the Peake
Dalhousie Trip participants, from left: Colin Harris, Bruce and Sherrie Gotch, Bernice Cohen, Elizabeth and Brendan Lay
2016 has been characterised by very good rains across much of the State. The Far North has been no exception and there has been substantial rainfall in mound spring country. Earlier in the year, wet weather prompted the cancellation of a joint working bee at Dalhousie Springs by FOMS and the Friends of the Simpson Desert Parks (FOS). For the most part, FOS volunteers support DEWNR in management activities at Dalhousie while FOMS volunteers have focussed on mound springs on pastoral country and in Wabma Kadarbu Mound Springs Conservation Park.
However, in August 2016, a group of FOMS volunteers finally made it to Dalhousie Springs. The group, comprising Elizabeth and Brendan Lay, Sherrie and Bruce Gotch, Bernice Cohen and Colin Harris, aimed to complete the following tasks:
Revisiting photopoints and taking water samples from the areas or sites where date palms had been removed at Kingfisher Springs – a component of DEWNR’s Desert Jewels project;
Planting coolabah and needle-bush seedlings (grown as tubestock by FOS members) around the campground area;
Revisiting the historic exclosure and old photopoints in the Dalhousie and 3 O’clock Creek areas, set up more than 30 years ago before the area was dedicated as a national park.
Main pool, Dalhousie
The work at Kingfisher involved relocating and re-photographing photopoints along the spring tails, finding the centre of the flow at that point, then sampling the water and vegetation there. Prolific growth of Phragmites – which followed the cutting and burning of the date palms – presented major challenges in obtaining some of the samples. Regrowth of young date palms was quite advanced in some areas.
A feature of the trip to and from Dalhousie was the abundance of surface water in waterholes and watercourses. The group returned home by the longer route through Bloods Creek Bore and the old Federal Homestead. The group thought the extra half day travel was well worthwhile as the country was looking splendid after such good autumn and winter rains. Wildflowers such as mulla mullas and Sturt’s desert peas were in abundance and Eringa Waterhole was most impressive with plentiful waterfowl and other bird-life. This bodes well for water dependent wildlife in the region during the next year or more.
Bulrushes and sedges in good condition at Milne Springs
During the July 2016 FOMS trip a number of observations were made of the condition of wetland vegetation at many springs. This included photo-point monitoring at springs fenced by the State Environment agency during the 1980s – Outside, Twelve Mile, Fountain and Big Perry Springs on the Peake, Nilpinna Spring on Nilpinna Station and Big Cadna-Owie Spring on Allandale Station. The State Environment Department conducted annual photo-point monitoring at these and several other springs from the mid-1980s until 2005.
But first there are some general observations that can be made. 2016 has been a stand-out year with regular and plentiful rain in the Far North of the State. One of the results of this type of year is that surface waters become widespread and stock fan out to a greater degree across the landscape. So, whereas in dry times stock will often have heavy impact on unprotected mound springs, in good wet seasons the springs are less impacted and the spring vegetation has an opportunity to recover. As an example, the photo below – taken in July 2016 – shows Milne Springs, on the Peake, with a good cover of predominantly Typha (bulrush) and Cyperus laevigatus (bore-drain sedge). Milne Springs are open to grazing by stock.
The photo-point monitoring repeated on the July 2016 trip for the first time since 2005 highlighted two main points.
Firstly, it highlighted that reeds (Phragmites) have been steadily increasing in distribution and abundance at several springs following the fencing of about 30 years ago. The following two photos, taken from a similar location at the Fountain Spring, highlight this point. In 2001, Phragmites was largely restricted to the spring vent (in background of photo). By 2016 Phragmites had taken over the lower section of the spring tail (foreground of photo).
The second observation is that there are signs that Phragmites may have “peaked” at a couple of protected springs. This is most evident at Outside Spring where the area of the main vent now has semi-open water, as shown in the photo below.
This observation sits quite well with the hypothesis that the proliferation of Phragmites in springs following fencing and stock exclusion is boosted by elevated nutrient levels at these springs following decades of stock access. With prolonged stock exclusion, nutrient levels may decline slowly and this may affect the vigour and distribution of Phragmites. A lesser decline of this nature has been observed at the Fountain and it may be that the intrusion of cattle into the Fountain in the early 1990s means that the Fountain is trailing Outside Springs in terms of nutrient reduction.
Research being undertaken by the University of Adelaide includes nutrient analyses in the springs and this may help to clarify whether the above hypothesis is valid.
This second FOMS trip for 2015 aimed to inspect springs south of Lake Eyre South to assess their current status; to inspect Beresford Hill and nearby springs; to check walking trails at Strangways; and to inspect springs on Billa Kalina, including the spring proposed for fencing as part of the Desert Jewels project.
Those participating were Colin Harris, Rick Moore, Rien Habermehl, Bruce and Sherrie Gotch, Stafford Dow, Allan and Marlene Swinstead, Brian Donaghy, Bernice Cohen and Simon Lewis. Tony Magor, Manager Public Lands and Co-management, DEWNR, joined the group on the evening of Wednesday 5 August.
Cool but dry and sunny conditions prevailed throughout the week, with moderate breezes for the first few days, abating towards the end of the trip. The day temperatures were around 180 C during the days and nights were generally calm and cool, around 50 to 70 C, becoming cold on the Wednesday and Thursday nights – around 0 degrees on the Friday morning. Roads and station tracks were in good condition.
Getting Started: 1st and 2nd August
Typical scene, West Finniss Springs
Colin, Brian and Simon travelled to Port Augusta to rendezvous with Bernice. The remainder of the group travelled further north that day and camped at Farina overnight.
The group convened at Marree on Sunday 2nd and subsequently inspected Herrgott Spring. Colin and Simon also caught up with Arabana elder Reg Dodd who has provided much assistance with mound spring matters over many years.
The group then moved on to Finniss Springs and inspected the West Finniss spring group.
Dr Rien Habermehl describes the fault-line at Finniss Springs
The West Finniss group comprises a large number of spring vents with virtually all dominated by reeds, Phragmites, up to about three metres in height. Typical for this time of year, the Phragmites has “hayed off” with little active (green) growth. Other species noted included Cyperus laevigatus (bore-drain sedge), Gahnia (cutting grass) and Baumea (twig rush). The endangered plant, Eriocaulon carsonii (salt pipe wort) has been noted previously at West Finniss but no occurrences were noted despite a relatively thorough search. This raises the question of whether the proliferation of Phragmites has impacted upon the Eriocaulon population.
Near Lake Eyre South: 3rd August
Rare find: Eriocaulon carsonii at Hermit Springs
The day commenced with an inspection of a geological fault-line on the Oodnadatta Track near Hermit Hill. Eminent GAB hydrogeologist and Canberra-based FOMS member Rien Habermehl provided a detailed description of the fault-line and its links with the GAB, along with more general information about the nature and hydrogeological history of the GAB and its associated springs. The exposure of the Algebuckina Sandstone at the site was inspected. The Algebuckina Sandstone is the main GAB aquifer west of the Birdsville Track (Ridge), and the source of artesian groundwater for all of the GAB springs in this part of South Australia.
The group then inspected Hermit Springs, around the back (ie northern side) of Hermit Hill.
As for West Finniss, the Hermit Springs comprise many spring vents dominated by haying off Phragmites, with a similar range of species to that listed above. A reasonably thorough reconnaissance located just one patch of Eriocaulon carsonii. There is some indication that the proliferation of Phragmites is having a negative impact upon associated spring flora, including Eriocaulon.
During the afternoon the group visited Smith, Gosse and McLachlan Springs near Lake Eyre South.
Smith Springs, typical low mound
Smith Springs comprise three or four low mounds, with very low flow, and with virtually a monoculture of Cyperus laevigatus (bore drain sedge). These springs occur just a few metres into Finniss Springs, alongside the boundary fence-line with Stuart Creek pastoral lease.
At Gosse Springs, six vents were observed, with two main vents. One comprised a fine bore drain sedge spring with a pool of open water and extensive tail. Two brolgas were observed here. The other main vent comprises a relatively large Phragmites / Cyperus laevigatus mound with a much smaller tail.
McLachlan Springs are very close to the shores of Lake Eyre South. There is one main mound, with Phragmites and Cyperus, and two smaller mounds to the north with stunted Phragmites. A feature of Smith, Gosse and McLachlan Springs is their good condition. They appear to have been free of grazing pressure for a considerable time.
The group returned to the Gregory Creek camp-site for one more night.
Gosse Spring, in fine condition
Heading North-West: 4th August
The group decamped and moved on to Fred Spring, on Stuart’s Creek not far north of the main road.
Unlike springs seen thus far, Fred Spring comprises a Typha (bulrush) spring, with fringing Cyperus laevigatus (bore-drain sedge). Like the other Stuart Creek springs north of the main road, Fred is in good condition with no evidence of recent grazing impacts. Fred Spring was the site of a blow-out in the 1980s when a bore was sunk near the spring and there was a major leakage of artesian water. Rehabilitation works were then carried out and the spring appears to have recovered well.
Then it was on to Emerald Spring, about 11.5 km from the main road just past Curdimurka and just over the Margaret Overflow.
Emerald Spring has mainly Phragmites at the vent, but there is a patch of Typha growing in the centre of the vent. There is some suggestion here and elsewhere that Typha may have some sort of competitive advantage over Phragmites in the slightly fresher water right at the spring vent, with Phragmites better adapted to the more saline conditions away from the water outlet. Bore drain sedge, C laevigatus dominates the extensive tail which extends several hundred metres. Emerald Spring is fenced tightly around the vent and there is a second fence encompassing several hectares around the spring. This second fence is in a state of disrepair and is falling down in places.
Interestingly, the spring tail now extends through what was the vehicle entrance in this second fence, preventing access at that point. This indicates that either the spring tail has shifted or that the flow from this spring has increased, causing an extension of the tail.
Some grazing pressure is evident along the tail.
The group then journeyed on to Beresford Hill and the adjacent Beresford and Warburton Springs. The springs and hill were fenced some years ago by S Kidman and Co to conserve their features. Water temperature, electrical conductivity (EC) and pH were measured by Bruce and helpers using the FOMS test kit.
Warburton Springs comprise two vents. One vent comprises solid Phragmites up to three metres high with only a small outflow down the tail. The second spring is predominantly C. laevigatus (bore-drain sedge) with some open water and with a Cyperus tail extending about 100 metres or more.
Warburton Springs, Phragmites ventWarburton Spring, Cyperus laevigatus vent
Beresford Spring comprises one main vent. Its vegetation is predominantly C. laevigatus but there is mud rather than open water in the vent with the bones of cattle that became bogged and perished there in times gone by.
Rien Habermehl and Rick Moore atop Beresford Hill
The more energetic members of the party climbed Beresford Hill, an extinct spring, with approximately the upper one-third of its height of 45 m covered by spring limestone, overlying the mudstone of the Bulldog Shale. An extensive former pool related to the spring vent is evident at the top of the Hill and there is also an Aboriginal stone arrangement. Rien Habermehl noted that Beresford Hill spring limestone is dated at more than 700,000 years of age and also showed us examples of what appears to be fossilised Phragmites, suggesting that Phragmites has been in spring country for a very long time. There is also a trig survey cairn of stones at the top of the Hill.
The group then travelled on to Strangways Springs, setting up camp in the Strangways dunes.
Strangways and Billa Kalina: 5th August
During the morning the group checked the walking trails established by FOMS volunteers in 2011 – the 1.8 km Springs Walk and 2.2 km Woolwash Walk. Both trails were in good condition. Along the Woolwash Walk, the group paused at location 16, a site where Rien Habermehl had drilled a fully cored exploratory hole in 1985 as part of his GAB research. This drill-hole and another drill-hole in the eastern part of the Strangways platform showed the thickness of the limestone platform to be less than 5 m in those locations. Around the ruins at Strangways we noted that the building identification signs are deteriorating and require replacement.
Heading south towards Billa Kalina Station we met briefly with Anna Creek Station Manager Norm Sims. Once on Billa Kalina we inspected two springs fenced by the lessees Keith and Colin Greenfield in the early 2000s. Bruce and helpers used the FOMS TPS water testing kit here to measure temperature, pH and electrical conductivity (EC).
The fenced area is of interest in that one of the springs has dense Phragmites, while the second spring, about 50 metres away, is a C. laevigatus spring with no Phragmites. This is one of several examples in spring country where some springs have remained free of Phragmites despite their close proximity to springs dominated by Phragmites. The Phragmites spring has a bore and associated water pressure and flow monitoring and recording equipment immediately adjacent to the vent.
Near this fenced area, we inspected the ruins of a former accommodation building, believed to have serviced drovers & the travelling public on the former Travelling Stock Route from the Kingoonya-Tarcoola district to Coward Springs.
Camp-sites in this vicinity were not of prime quality but we settled on an area with elegant wattle (Acacia victoriae) and enough dead timber for firewood. At around 7.30 pm, headlights on the north-east horizon marked the approach of Tony Magor, who joined us for the night and part of the next day. That evening, Rien Habermehl took the group through his power-point presentation describing the hydrogeology of the GAB and of the mound springs, including groundwater dating and spring mound deposits dating.
Billa Kalina: 6th August
Heading south-west, we soon came to Spring Creek, comprising several spring outlets right on the station track. This was a delightful setting but heavy cattle impacts were evident. Water samples were tested using the FOMS water testing kit.
Spring Creek includes two or more spring outlets. One is slightly away from the creek- line: it is a Phragmites spring heavily impacted by cattle. Within the creek-line are one or more spring outlets, with Phragmites at the vent and more extensive tails of C. laevigatus (bore-drain sedge): again with significant cattle impacts.
From Spring Creek the group continued down the track to Cheryl’s Yard. At Cheryl’s Yard is the take-off point to the spring to be fenced as part of the Desert Jewels project – a short but rough cross-country drive necessitating unhitching of caravans / trailers.
The spring to be fenced is a bore-drain sedge (C. laevigatus) spring with some open water at the pool. It has a reasonably extensive tail of C. laevigatus and displays some cattle impacts – although not as severe as at Spring Creek. Old fence-posts surround the vent, indicative of earlier fencing. The fencing will provide permanent protection for the spring vent from cattle grazing, while allowing occasional grazing of part of the spring tail. Another section of the spring tail will be outside the fenced area and thus open to general grazing.
This was the last of the spring surveys for the trip. After a lunch in the coolibahs, Tony, Allan and Marlene commenced their respective journeys homeward. Bruce, Sherrie and Stafford turned around and headed back up the track towards Beresford, intending to be at Balcanoona by the following day.
The remainder of the group continued on towards Billa Kalina homestead, meeting lessee Colin Greenfield on the way and then spending a few minutes with his wife Jill Greenfield at the homestead. We then drove about 60 km down the track to camp at a very nice spot in red dune country.
Homeward Bound: 7th August
For Colin, Bernice, Brian, Rick, Rien and Simon it was a case of homeward bound through Woomera and Pimba, with lunch for some at the Arid Lands Botanic Gardens at Pt Augusta in company with fellow FOMS member Brenton Arnold.
In summary, a very successful trip: great company, fine weather, interesting springs and a trip that ran almost exactly to schedule throughout. Many thanks to all!
As reported elsewhere in this newsletter, the Friends of Mound Springs (FOMS) are working with the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR) on a major project – the Desert Jewels Project – which aims to improve the management of South Australia’s mound springs.
This report describes the field trip held in June 2015 to visit springs on the Peake pastoral lease to consider management trials and fencing options. A second objective was to check the walking trails established by FOMS in 2011 at Strangways Springs and the Peake Overland Telegraph / Freeling Springs site.
Participants: Sam Gitahi (DEWNR Desert Jewels Project Officer), Sam Stuart (Arabana liaison officer), Clinton Warren, Colin Harris, Elaine Smyth, Bruce and Sherrie Gotch, Margie Barnett and Simon Lewis. Brendan and Elizabeth Lay also intended to join the group but were prevented by wet weather which led to the closure of roads in the area.
Weather Conditions. As noted below, weather proved to be a limiting factor with this trip.
Rain was predicted for the start of the trip as far north as Leigh Creek but not for the springs country further north. With just a little trepidation, therefore, we decided to proceed with the trip.
Getting Started
Several participants drove to Port Augusta or thereabouts to stay overnight on Saturday 13 June. Sam Stuart and Clinton Warren travelled in advance of the main party and reached William Creek by Saturday evening.
On Sunday 14th the Port Augusta contingent awoke to drizzling rain and a report that both the Borefield Road and Marree to William Creek road were closed to traffic. However, a phone call to the Peake Station revealed that little rain had fallen in that area. The group travelled to William Creek via Coober Pedy, meeting Sam Stuart and Clinton. With light fading fast the group moved north to camp on Douglas Creek north of William Creek.
Work under way – Monday 15th June
Breaking camp after a damp night on Bulldog Creek
In very foggy conditions, Colin, Elaine, Bruce and Sherrie headed off to the Peake Overland Telegraph site to check the walking trails and replenish the brochure supply.
Sam G, Sam S, Clinton, Margie and Simon inspected Big Perry, Fountain, Twelve Mile and Outside Springs. Comments on those inspections are provided on the next page.
Following the above work, the group selected an overnight camp-site on Bulldog Creek.
Later that evening, after a display of lightning to the NW, some steady rain set in, with around 9mm recorded at the nearby Peake homestead. That precipitation was to significantly influence our program over the next two days.
Getting Muddy – Tuesday 16th June
Levi Springs: one of several springs with rock formation in background
Following the rain of the previous night, an exploratory drive suggested that the station tracks might be firm enough for the group to continue to Levi Springs. The group did make it to Levi, although the going was a little heavy at times. However at Levi there was a hitch when the lead vehicle crossed a very muddy section and it was decided that the other vehicles should not attempt the same crossing. With the sun shining and a nice drying breeze, it was decided to proceed with our work at Levi Springs and to review track conditions later in the day.
The task at Levi was to survey a possible alignment for a fence to enclose Levi springs and most of the impressive basement rocks outcropping at the springs – as well as the ruins of a shepherd’s hut and old coolibah yards nearby. GPS readings were taken to enable an updated map of the proposed fence-line to be prepared.
The day concluded with the bulk of the group camping on Levi Creek while the two occupants of the lead vehicle camped near the springs to the south.
Final Stages – Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th
With another sunny day dawning, the group decided to press on south towards William Creek. However, after a few kilometres, it became evident that the boggy conditions would prevent further travel south. The group turned around and headed back towards the Peake homestead. After negotiating several soft patches along the tracks we reached Peake homestead to be greeted hospitably by newly appointed Peake manager Jim Wheeler and his wife Lee.
At this point the group split into three. Margie and Simon, with Thursday commitments at home, made an early departure and drove home via Marree, arriving home somewhat weary by 1.30 to 2 am, Thursday morning. Sam S, Sam G and Clinton left to check camera equipment set up at the Bubbler and at springs near Bopeechee to detect fauna movements.
Colin, Elaine, Bruce and Sherrie continued down to Strangways Springs to replenish the walking trail brochure supply. They then spent the night at Coward Springs camp-ground, before returning to Adelaide the following day.
In summary, this was an eventful and memorable trip. Rain created a number of difficulties but the group achieved its main objectives and this should help to progress the Desert Jewels project.
There are two main vents at Big Perry. The first, at the top of the mound, supports extensive areas of Phragmites. A second lower vent supports Typha. The Phragmites and Typha appeared to be in good condition, with the Phragmites up to 3 metres in height and the Typha up to 2.5 metres. Much of the fenced area is well vegetated, with other common species being Cyperus gymnocaulos, Nitraria sp and samphire species.
The following trials are under consideration:
Trial burn of Phragmites in the upper vent .
Trial burn of Typha in the second
Prolific Phragmites, top vent at Big Perry
The Fountain
The single vent at the Fountain has a cover of Phragmites up to about 3m high around the circumference but much lower (up to about one metre) in the centre of the vent. It appears that the Phragmites may be in a state of slow decline in the vent. The tail at the Fountain is also dominated by Phragmites. This area of reeds has expanded substantially over the last 20 years or so.
A burning trial is planned for the Phragmites within the spring vent. This area is well separated from boundary fencing.
The Fountain – vent with tall reeds (Phragmites)
Twelve Mile
Twelve Mile Spring has multiple vents generally dominated by Phragmites. The top vent is vegetated with Typha, a patch about 8 metres across. The vents have a low but steady flow. Cattle have accessed the fenced area recently and have had noticeable impact on the springs.
The Phragmites spring near the station track is a good candidate for a burning trial – but only after the fence has been repaired and the spring has recovered from stock impacts.
Recent cattle damage, Twelve Mile
Outside Springs
Outside Springs comprise a number of springs with one fenced vent and a second vent immediately alongside open to grazing. The unfenced spring varies in vegetation quality according to grazing levels. On this occasion this spring showed severe impacts, with heavy pugging and very little vegetation.
The fenced spring was observed in 2014 to be showing signs of reduced Phragmites dominance. There is now an area of open water, about 10 metres in diameter with very sparse Phragmites. Other sections have a cover of dead and collapsed Phragmites.
There is general agreement that Outside Springs should be left free of any active trials but should be monitored closely.
Open water, Outside Spring (fenced)Grazing impacts, Outside Spring (unfenced)