Bollards replaced at Peake Carpark

At the Peake OT site, indiscriminate access by vehicles to both the historic site and nearby creek- line was a significant problem until 2008 when FOMS volunteers installed timber bollards to define the carpark and limit vehicle movement. This work was subsequently reinforced through additional fencing installed as a cooperative venture by FOMS, the Environment Department and then lessees S Kidman & Co.

However, by 2018, the timber bollards were starting to deteriorate and some had been removed by visitors for firewood. During the May 2019 working bee, FOMS replaced ten of the timber bollards with synthetic recycled plastic bollards. The site is now secure and the remaining six timber bollards will be replaced by FOMS in 2020.

Brian Wheeler (L), Brian Donaghy and Greg Wheeler (R)
pause for the camera while Craig Whisson carries on regardless.
Installation of the new bollards is complete