The Great Artesian Basin lies under one third of the landmass of the continent of Australia. It is the most significant body of fresh water in Australia and as such is of extreme importance ecologically, geologically and economically. Befitting the in1portance of the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) there exists a large body of literature relating to this topic. Much of this literature is "grey literature" and difficult to obtain. The term grey literature refers to unpublished reports, manusripts and theses etc. It is also often difficult to access literature through existing databases as most of them are subject specific (i.e. Biological Abstracts, GeoRef). Previous attempts have been made to document GAB literature but they have been limited in their scope. The Mound Spring Researchers Forum published a mound spring bibliography that was updated after each meeting , however it was primarily focused on biological literature. The Great Artesian Basin Consultative Council (GABCC) funded the development of a web based bibliography that while useful in concept did not capture much of the available literature. The purpose of this bibliography is to capture as much of the available GAB literature as is possible and to present it in a searchable database on a DVD. We also intend to include PDF reprints of as many unpublished reports as we can (copyright issues not withstanding). Presented here is the current bibliography, it is expected that the number of references included will grow further as more references come to light.